Sunday, March 26, 2023

week seven: CCR planning


Hello guys so this is a continuation of my planning for the week, I will be also filming my CCR over this week, I decided to make a video clip for my CCR because I think is the most engaging and entertaining form to reflect on my project. I believe that doing a boring ppt will be so simple and people wont really get my personality and what type of person I am. 

The CCR will be film as a paparazzi caught me right after I arrived to a restaurant, I'm going to be dressed fancy so it can give a touch of a famous person since I will be recognized as the director of the film. My friend that has a Mercedes will let me his car so I can get off the car when the paparazzi come and interview me. 

This is the car of my friend, it is a pretty luxurious car so it will give me a touch as if I have money as a director in Hollywood. The CCR will be filmed as the camera men of the paparazzi interview me with a microphone and everything, the face of the paparazzi will never be shown as when those famous actor get interview in the street.

I will be taking "Hollywood Fix" as an inspiration, this guy interviews famous people In the streets of LA, he does it with so much confidence and I want to make it as natural as possible 

This is the link for you guys can check some videos in his channel and get the idea.

I will be letting you guys know when I film my CCR

week seven: planning for filming


Guys so as I was saying before, I didn't manage to film this week so I will take the responsibility this week and start filming as soon as possible I will be most likely filming either Wednesday or on Friday that are the days that I have early release on school. I already talk with my friend and told him that I couldn't manage to film this week but that I have everything plan and ready for this week. 

I will keep you guys updated in when I film and sorry for not showing any progress over this week but is that I have this unexpected trip with my family 

currently stressed because I have to film my CCR and Film opening before the week ends 

week seven: changes & setbacks


 Hello guys this is a quick update on my blog, I got bad news for you guys I didn't film this week because an unexpected trip with my family occur. My family and I went to Sarasota since Wednesday, my aunts from Colombia came to visit us as a surprise. I was really happy to see my aunts because I haven't seen them since 2018, we laugh and enjoy our time mesmerizing how the time has pass and how each one of us has change mentally and physically. 

This is a picture with my aunts to show you guys how my family is an important part of my life and that I was really happy to spend this time with them

I basically just got home a few hours ago so this is why I didn't film but I will eventually start filming this week and keep you guys updated.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

week six: schedule and location


  Hello guys how are you , this is the last post of the week in which I will be talking about the schedule of this upcoming week. On Tuesday, March 21 I will be calling my friend Tomas at night so I can arrange at what time I could go to his house on Wednesday where I can record my opening scene. If he cannot help me on Wednesday I will rearrange one the days of spring break where both him and me are available.

  The materials that I'm going to take to his house to film is basically my phone and that's it because he has a tripod at home where I can easily use to help me film. He is the one that is filming me so I trust him to shoot some good angles you know what I mean. The custom that is the wedding suit is already in his house because the suit is from his father, he has the same body composition as me so it will fit me good or even better LOL.  

 His house is located In Savannah so it is relatively close to my house which also benefits me.

Im super exited to finally film my opening scene this is going to be definitely the coolest part of the whole project. I will keep you guys updated this week take care 

week six: character background



 Hello guys I hope you and your families are doing good, today I will give you a brief explanation on my character background. As I mentioned before the main character of my film will be me. This are some characteristics of my character:

- latino

-5'7 height

- 180 lbs

-white skin

- 30 years old

 My character is a adult that since the first time you see him he looks concern. He suffers from mental health problems, he changes emotion every minute, he laughs, cries, and screams out of the sudden. You might think he is a normal person but the truth is that the idea that he is getting married with his wife is complete fake and is all in his head. He is not living on a mental health problem facility as an asylum or mental hospital because he is not dangerous or is a threat to society he is just broken inside and with trauma for the loss of his wife. The real plot of the film is that he doesn't realizes that she is dead only for little moments of the day. 

This is picture of me for you guys see who is going to play the main character of my film. His name will also be SAMUEL LOPEZ

The second character of my opening scene will be the mom, The mom will never be shown during the opening scene because this is a little touch that I will like to give to make the audience believe that Samuel is imaging in it or is actually true. The only thing that the mom will appear will be her voice saying that she is dead.

week six: process

 Hello guys this is a quick update on my blog for this week, currently we are on week six the time is almost over for the project to be finalized. This week was relatively short because we have an early release day and no school but that didn't mean that I didn't plan or take care of my project. Currently guys I haven't made any major changes that I have to mention to you guys. Everything is flowing how it supposed to be and I'm exited to film this upcoming week that is going to be spring break.

 During the week of spring break I will keep you guys updated on my project because this is the week were I'm going to film my project. The set day for filming will definitely be on Wednesday because that day I don't work so I don't have nothing that sets me back from filming

 Im going to be completely honest with you guys is being a little bit harder for me to be 100% focus on the project because I study and work everyday. That is why I always dedicate time to the project over the weekends because is the only true free time that I have to focuses my school work.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

week five: process and planning



Hello guys this is an update to my project and it planning. During this week I will be planning the script of the opening scene. I want the script to be very clear but also create doubt in the audience. The last line I wanted to impact them and create a sense of excitement to watch the rest of the opening. I will work in class during this week to write the script, I will be writing it on class because I have my classmates next to me where they can tell me their opinions and exchange ideas. 

Scripts in the drama movies such as "Fractured" are very memorable because they leave a feeling in your heart of nervousness and curiosity. 

I also have everything set for next week to start filming during my spring break where I have the full time and availability to film. As I mention before I will film on my friends house, due to the space and color scheme of his house that fits with my goal.  I will keep you guys updated if any major changes will occur but as I mention before I am ready and don't think to change anything of the plot neither the idea that I created since the first day 

week five: color scheme and fonts


 Hi guys, I hope you and your family are good. Today I'm going to tell you about my opening scene color schemes and title fonts. I Haven't give you the name of my opening scene, the reason is because honestly I had one yet, but during this week I talked to my classmates and they help create a title for my opening scene.

 So well guys without further explanation, my opening scene will be called "GONE". This title is very self explanatory because it fits with the idea of the scene. It relates the idea that the protagonist wife is "gone" (dead) and also with the main character because his mental health and stability is "gone" since the tragedy of his wife. I believe this title will cause a sense curiosity and it will cause he audience to be more exited about the project.

 The color scheme of my opening scene will be dark and basic colors such as grey, white, and black. This idea is to show the my character has being through something, it doesn't mean that he won't have emotions that will be basically weird because mental health problems people splay their emotions by crying and laughing. The color scheme will describe the simplicity and directness that I want to strive with. 

The title font that I want to choose have to be eye catching but not all crazy. I review some title fonts on a website called "canva". Honestly it was very hard and stressing to choose over 1000 fonts but I think I find the one is called "the park-miller nuptials" 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

week five: representation


 Hello guys this is a quick update in my weekly blog, today I will be talking about why my opening scene is so special. Since I mention last week, the main character of my opening scene that will be played by me.  He suffers from trauma and mental damage, this is a representation of the "Mental Health Awareness Movement". This movement is important because of misconceptions and stigma surrounding health mental health issues, people often suffer in silence and don't seek treatment to their conditions. Mental Health Awareness is an important initiative to improve understanding of mental health conditions and increases access to healthcare for those who need it. 


I think is very important to include this information because this is a global problem and everybody have to be conscious about it. 

 For further explanation my character suffers from a trauma and mental health problem since his wife die before they were going to get married. He still believes that's his wife is alive and that they are going to get married. This is very sad but it helps connect more with the audience because they are going to be put in the shoes of the protagonist, just imagine this happens to you it will be extremely depressing.

I hope you guys really connect with my character and feel empathy towards him.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

week four: obstacles/ issues


 Not everything on this week has been happy like I mention of my last post, this week I was heavily sick and I'm just getting better this Sunday, March 5. This has been the biggest obstacle so far since my body feel weak during this week but this doesn't mean I didn't work on my project. I keep researching during my class time and try to find a good camera so I can easily film and have a good quality video shoot.

I have taken medicine during this week so now I feel much better but I'm ready to keep working on my project this upcoming week, this week and the other one is where I mention to you guys that I will be start filming. I already talked with my friend and I will be filming in his house because is a bigger and larger space where I can easily move, Im not saying my house is a rat house but is much smaller than his house so I believe it will be better if I film in his house. His house also has a bathroom with a big mirror where I can look myself and the kitchen is across the room where my mom will tell me that my wife is not alive. 

I find this as an obstacle because it affect my health during this week and was not able to give my 110% but this week I will work on my project as much as I can. 

I haven't have another obstacle thank God and I expect heavily that everything will go as I expect and my project can be finalize clear and perfect.

This is the last post of the week I will keep you guys updated in my project during this week I hope everyone is fine and I'm going to use the week as a planning week because I am going to film during the weekend or next week. Im also going to use time in class to talk with my classmates and exchange ideas that will mutually benefit us 

week four: reflection on key moments


  Hello guys this is an update in my project. Today I'm going to tell you the quick story on my key moments during this amazing project. Everything started the first day when my teacher start explaining the project during class, right when she was talking it literally took me 5 minutes to know what I wanted my opening scene to look like, it was incredible like if I always wanted to do that opening scene. I also thought about my mom helping me because every time I film she gives her opinion on the piece. This was my biggest key moment because I discover an ability that I had that was making a whole opening scene in 5 minutes. 

  Also, I wanted to tell you guys what movie I'm taking as inspiration. The movie called 'Fractured' by director Brad Anderson released in 2019 is one of my favorite movies of all time and when my teacher is talking about making an opening scene I just immediately thought about that majestic opening scene that movie had. If you are interested in this incredible movie I recommend you guys watch it is on Netflix. What I'm taking inspiration is the fact that my character also suffers from a mental disease/trauma that doesn't allow him to think that her wife is dead such as the protagonist of the movie Fractured. So here I'm going to explain my second key moment, it occurred when I was drawing my storyboard and suddenly the plot twist of my character hanged when I remember that in fracture he doesn't just forget he had a problem that makes him believe that his wife is alive. That's when I had my second  key moment 

Im completely sure and exited that my biggest key moment is when I film!

Those were my major key moments guys but everything on this project I am enjoying and happy to be part of it.


Saturday, March 4, 2023

week four: production process


Well hello guys this is a quick update in on my project, I conducted a little bit research on a website about how to make a remarkable drama opening and this help me a lot. 

This website give me ideas on character development because it says that the most memorable characters connect with audiences because of their "Vulnerability". My character if we really think about it is very vulnerable because he still is suffering the loss of his wife, even though time passes he still has the trauma of her death. The opening won't include how she actually died because this gives more tension and creates curiosity. The character can show his vulnerability by his face expressions and putting tense music. 

This website have really good information also they state the main character have to realize their flaws at some point and make an effort to overcome them. My characters key individual is the mom, because she is the one that makes him overcome his trauma, this is a good characteristic of a protagonist.

This week have been mostly about keep researching how to make a nice and neat opening scene, I also talk with one of my best friend because his dad got married last month and he has the same body composition as me, so he is going to let me his suit and his shoes. I will look great trust me, of course I cannot look bad that also has an impact on the audience.

week eight: CCR PART TWO

  CCR PART TWO this is the end guys, thank you!