Drama are serious stories that hinge on events that regularly happen in everyday life. These film and TV series portray realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. They usually focus on character and how these people arc over time. Drama is regularly mashed up with other genres because most movies and tv rely on character-driven stories to keep the audience involved.
My opening scene will be based on the drama genre. Since I was a little kid I always enjoy watching drama movies with my family, I used to watch drama movies with my dad when he come home from work. My dad is really good to solve the plot of the drama movies with only watching 30 minutes of the film, this taught me how to be a good judge in these type of movies. I want to make a unique opening scene that will create a sense of confusion to the audience and will be remembered forever.
-target audience for drama movies
The target audience for drama films includes:
- People who love to feel emotions
- People who appreciate a good story
- People who are looking for something more than just light entertainment
- People who appreciate complex storylines
- People who like suspenseful stories
- People who like stories that tackle thought-provoking issues
- People who like stories that have a strong message or moral
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