Sunday, February 26, 2023

week three: shooting schedule


the most exited part of the project is almost here. THE FILMING PART, here is the time to show my filming techniques and demonstrate how can I display an excellent job. The will always be the most exited part of every project because you can just be free and show your ideas to the audience. All the projects that we have done throughout the year I've learned how to shoot in a way that the audience can be interested. The most important thing to do is to know how to engage with the audience and know how to develop a story. 

I will be shooting during the 5th week that will be exactly on 3/6-3/12 that's were I will have time to do it due to outside activities like my job. I know what elements I need to get before my shooting session.

One of the most important elements that I will need in my filming will be a wedding suit, a camera, and a female voice. (  my mom will be outside of the country so she cannot help me :(   )

All of the elements I already got them and are ready to be film

I will keep you guys updated if there is any changes on the shooting schedule 

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week eight: CCR PART TWO

  CCR PART TWO this is the end guys, thank you!